The Ministry is principally charged with a key role to achieve a sustainable and vibrant economy for the people of Kiribati through the development of fisheries and marine resources and where it is recognized to take a lead role in the implementation of the objectives of the current Kiribati Development Plan. While the Ministry has encountered many challenges in the implementation of the plan, it has been able to make some major achievements and embark on milestones which further warrant for changes to follow and which are now embraced at the forefront of the Ministry’s mission and vision

Latest News

October 25, 2024
News 134 MFMRD Media

Kiribati Celebrates UN Day with Focus on Development and Sustainability

Today, Kiribati commemorated United Nations (UN) Day with a vibrant event at Te Kainga Mweneaba in Ambo, bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to strengthen partnerships aimed at advancing the nation's development goals. The celebration marked a…
October 25, 2024
News 164 MFMRD Media

MFMRD Secures New Vehicles to Enhance Workplace Efficiency and Punctuality

Punctuality and efficiency are crucial in any workplace, especially in sectors where operations need to follow a well-structured plan. A key factor in ensuring both is reliable and comfortable transportation for staff. Recognizing this, the Ministry of…

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Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources Development

P.O Box 64

Tel: +686 75021099 or +686 75021075

Email: info@mfmrd.gov.ki

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